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IHSAHN kommentiert: “There was so much inherent atmosphere in the tracks I was presented, so it was really just a matter of rebuilding a collage based on my initial instinct. As a guitarist, it felt natural to bring out some more details from Adam Jones’ original guitar tracks. Plus I wanted to add some “Norwegian Horror” to the table. All in all a very inspiring experience and I feel proud to contribute to this release!”

Zudem dürft Ihr Euch auf Versionen von folgenden Bands freuen: ULVER, ENSLAVED, Godflesh, Zola Jesus, Bohren & Der Club Of Gore, Steve Von Till, Ihsahn, Jaye Jayle, Jo Quail, Spotlights, Katatonias Jonas Renkse, Alexander Hacke's (Einstürzende Neubauten), Hackedepiciotto, Mono, The Ocean, Årabrot und Crown.