Ein giftgrünes Cover, eine New Yorker Ikone mit ausgestrecktem Mittelfinger: Das kann nach dem Ableben von Pete Steele nur Overkill-Frontmann und Frohnatur Bobby „Blitz“ Ellsworth sein. Die Thrash-Veteranen knüpfen mit ihrem 19. Album an den Vitalisierungsschub „Ironbound“ an. Mit den Co-Titel-Storys wurden ebenfalls altgediente Recken bedacht: Rotting Christ prägen seit drei Dekaden die hellenische Variante des Black Metal, Legion Of The Damned führen die Tradition von Occult fort und sind somit beinahe ebenso lange am Start. Mit ihrem brachialen Thrash hätten sie sich sicher auch gut im Vorprogramm der Slayer-Abschiedstour gemacht. Auch ohne Platz im Tour-Bus ließen wir uns ein Tour-Tagebuch über vier Deutschland-Dates nicht nehmen.
1.) LEGACY-COMPILATION mit 19 Tracks: Eneferens, ¡Pendejo!, Grusig, Defecal Of Gerbe, Vex, Illusoria, Joyless Euphoria, Ad Patres, Monophonist, The Tract, Menschenfresser, Blinding Sparks, Bullhead, Evil Within, Dunkeltraum, Asgard, Magoth, Saddiscore, Noisemaster
2.) OVERKILL-Digifile-CD mit 2 Songs vom neuen Album „The Wings Of War“, 2 unveröffentlichten Live-Mitschnitten (‚Hello From The Gutter‘, ‚Sonic Reducer‘) und dem Japan-Bonustrack vom 2000er Album „Bloodletting“: ‚We Gotta Get Out Of This Place‘, im Original von The Animals, wurde in keinem anderen Territorium bislang veröffentlicht.
STUDIOREPORTE:Antropomorphia, Kärbholz, Týr, Whitechapel
Zusätzlich zu den Titel- und Band-Features der CD-Compilation gibt es Interviews mit: A Secret Revealed,Abstract Rapture, Arch Enemy, Ars Magna Umbrae, Art Against Agony, Avantasia, Beast In Black, Blackdraft, Blurr Thrower, Callejon, Carnal Forge, Chaoseum, Chrome Division, Circle Story, Clouds, Corroded, Deitus, Descend Into Despair, Deserted Fear, Dirge, Disastrous Murmur, Dolls Raiders, Downfall Of Gaia, Evergrey, Ferndal, Flotsam And Jetsam, Fractal Face, Frozen Land, Gloryful, Hecate Enthroned, Heir Apparent, In The Woods…, Joyless, King Diamond, Legion Of The Damned, Lost In Grey, Malevolent Creation, Manegarm, Meadows End, Metal Church, Metal Inquisitor, Methedras, Minus One, Nailed To Obscurity, Need2Destroy, Novatom, Omega Diatribe, Overdrivers, Palisades, Pensées Nocturnes, Porn, Purser/Deverill, Rauhnacht, Rotting Christ, Saboter, Seven Thorns, Shadow Domain, Shrike, Slaegt, Smeltz, Soilwork, Stilla, Suffering Souls, Summer Storm, Swallow The Sun, Syrence, The Scars In Pneuma, Thornbridge, Trollfest, Venom, Vomitory
A cover in toxic green, showing an icon from New York flipping the bird: After the demise of Pete Steele this has to be Bobby “Blitz” Ellsworth, front man and cheerful soul of Overkill. The 19thalbum of those Thrash veterans ties in with their phenomenal “Ironbound”. Both co title stories also honor merited warriors of the old school: Rotting Christ define the sound of Greek Black Metal since three decades, whereas Legion Of The Damned continue the tradition of Occult, being in business for a similar long time. With their brute Thrash they would have been predestined for a support slot of Slayers farewell tour. Even without having a bunk on one of the tour busses we followed the trek to four of the German dates for a tour report.
1.) LEGACY-COMPILATION with 19 tracks: Eneferens, ¡Pendejo!, Grusig, Defecal Of Gerbe, Vex, Illusoria, Joyless Euphoria, Ad Patres, Monophonist, The Tract, Menschenfresser, Blinding Sparks, Bullhead, Evil Within, Dunkeltraum, Asgard, Magoth, Saddiscore, Noisemaster
2.) OVERKILL-CD in a digifile with 2 new songs from the upcoming album “The Wings Of War”, 2 unreleased live-tracks (‘Hello from The Gutter’, Sonic Reducer’) and the Japanese bonus track from the 2000 album “Bloodtletting”: ‘We Gotta Get Out Of This Place’, originally interpreted by The Animals - never released in other territories.
STUDIO REPORTS: Antropomorphia, Kärbholz, Týr, Whitechapel
Additionally to the title stories and bands featured on the compilation CD we have further interviews with: A Secret Revealed, Abstract Rapture, Arch Enemy, Ars Magna Umbrae, Art Against Agony, Avantasia, Beast In Black, Blackdraft, Blurr Thrower, Callejon, Carnal Forge, Chaoseum, Chrome Division, Circle Story, Clouds, Corroded, Deitus, Descend Into Despair, Deserted Fear, Dirge, Disastrous Murmur, Dolls Raiders, Downfall Of Gaia, Evergrey, Ferndal, Flotsam And Jetsam, Fractal Face, Frozen Land, Gloryful, Hecate Enthroned, Heir Apparent, In The Woods…, Joyless, King Diamond, Legion Of The Damned, Lost In Grey, Malevolent Creation, Manegarm, Meadows End, Metal Church, Metal Inquisitor, Methedras, Minus One, Nailed To Obscurity, Need2Destroy, Novatom, Omega Diatribe, Overdrivers, Palisades, Pensées Nocturnes, Porn, Purser/Deverill, Rauhnacht, Rotting Christ, Saboter, Seven Thorns, Shadow Domain, Shrike, Slaegt, Smeltz, Soilwork, Stilla, Suffering Souls, Summer Storm, Swallow The Sun, Syrence, The Scars In Pneuma, Thornbridge, Trollfest, Venom, Vomitory