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Dürfen wir das als Valentinstagsgeschenk verstehen? Am 14. Februar veröffentlichen MANTAR mit „Post Apocalyptic Depression“ (würde als Titel ja auch gut zum Thema zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen passen …) ihr neues Album via Metal Blade. Einen ersten Song und eine Handvoll Tourdates gibt es jetzt schon.



Laut Band dürfen Fans sich für ein paar Überraschungen wappnen: "We wanted to do everything different from the last album", stellt Sänger/Gitarrist Hanno Klänhardt klar. "The last album was very produced. A huge sounding record with clean production. Display of power. That was what we wanted and felt at that time. Now we are trying to destroy what we've built up with the last album. There is a certain beauty in disappointing people's expectations."

Er definiert den Albumtitel Hanno „Post Apocalyptic Depression“ als „the feeling you get after a mass hysteria. The feeling you get once you've invested all your power in a mass hypnosis and suddenly realize there won't be no salvation. Also, it refers to a very one-dimensional and basic human feeling we all know. Being just burned out after a very tedious and exhausting period of life. Post Apocalyptic Depression also can be taken as the insight that people just refuse to learn. Besides that, it's a damn catchy and cool name for an album that sounds exactly the way these words sound."


MANTAR Live w/ Kvelertak, Urne:
2/15/2025 Astra Kulturhaus - Berlin, DE*
2/16/2025 Große Freiheit - Hamburg, DE *
2/18/2025 Patronaat - Haarlem, NL
2/19/2025 Bastard Club - Osnabrück, DE #
2/25/2025 Cabaret Sauvage - Paris, FR
2/27/2025 Schlachthof - Wiesbaden, DE *
2/28/2025 Theaterfabrik - Munich, DE*
3/21/2025 Musikzentrum - Hannover, DE#
3/22/2025 Braincrusher Festival - Hirschaid, DE #
*co-headlining show
# MANTAR only


Foto: Sonja Schuringa/Chantik Photography